Ryan Lab Group
Eric Ryan, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Exercise and Sport Science
Adjunct, Department of Health Sciences
Director, Exercise Science Teaching Laboratory
Associate Director, Motion Science Institute
Coordinator, Exercise Physiology Graduate Program
Previous Education
Ph.D., University of Oklahoma, 2009
M.S., Florida Atlantic University, 2005
B.S., Tulane University, 2003
Contact Information:
Email: edryan@email.unc.edu
Lab Positions Availability (please reach out to Dr. Ryan if interested):
• Postdoctoral Position: funded postdoctoral position through the NC OSHERC (open now for a January or Fall 2024 start date).
• Doctoral Position: funded PhD position through HMSC program (open for a Fall 2024 start date).
• Masters Position: funded through EXSS (open for a Fall 2024 start date).
Dr. Ryan’s research focuses on examining the influence of various acute and chronic stressors on neuromuscular function. Most recently, our team has specifically worked to mitigate injuries and improve occupational health and performance in first responders. He works closely with the NC Occupational Safety and Health Education and Research Center and the Carolina Center. Dr. Ryan has published over 130 peer-reviewed original research manuscripts and has lectured nationally on the research conducted with his team. An example of his current work can be found here.
PubMed Link: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=ryan+ed&sort=date
Total Worker Health® Approach to Reduce Falls and Advance Fall Protection in Firefighters: https://exss.unc.edu/motion-science-institute/ryan-lab-group/total-worker-health-approach-firefighters/
Feasibility of a Train-the-Trainer Delivered Exercise Intervention in Firefighters: https://exss.unc.edu/motion-science-institute/ryan-lab-group/feasibility-of-a-train-the-trainer-delivered-exercise-intervention-in-firefighters/
Retired Firefighter Health and Wellness Research Project: https://exss.unc.edu/motion-science-institute/ryan-lab-group/retired-firefighter-research-study/
Examining Mechanisms Underlying Performance Fatigability in Women: https://exss.unc.edu/motion-science-institute/ryan-lab-group/examining-mechanisms-underlying-performance-fatigability-in-women/
Awards and Honors
Fellow, American College of Sports Medicine
Fellow, National Strength and Conditioning Association
Distinguished Alumni Award, Florida Atlantic University, College of Education
Terry J. Housh Young Investigator of the Year Award Recipient, National Strength and Conditioning Association
The Team
Gena Gerstner, PhD, MPH
Research Assistant Professor
Educational Background
B.S., State University of New York at Cortland
M.P.H., University at Albany School of Public Health
M.S., California University of Pennsylvania
Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Contact Information:
Email: gerstner@email.unc.edu
Gena Gerstner is a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Exercise and Sport Science and works specifically in the Carolina Center for Healthy Workplace Design and Well-Being. She completed her doctoral studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in exercise physiology and her postdoctoral training in the North Carolina Occupational Safety and Health Education and Research Center. With over 8 years of experience examining first responder health, performance, and neuromuscular function, she also conducts health behavior research and is well-versed in mixed methods, particularly enjoying participatory action research. Gena holds a Total Worker Health® certification, equipping her to plan, implement, and evaluate comprehensive workplace interventions as part of an interdisciplinary team. She is an avid fan of puzzles, science fiction, and soccer, and spends her free time with her dog, Trinity.
Nick Buoncristiani, MS
Doctoral Student
Educational Background
B.S. Physical Education
M.S., Kinesiology
Contact information:
Email: nbuon@unc.edu
Nick Buoncristiani is a third-year PhD student in the Human Movement Sciences program. He obtained both his BS in Physical Education and MS in Kinesiology with a concentration in Exercise Physiology from Western Kentucky University in 2019 and 2022, respectively. His research interests include enhancing the health, safety, and occupational performance of tactical populations (e.g., firefighters) through physical testing and exercise intervention. Nick is a certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS) and tactical strength and conditioning facilitator (TSAC-F) through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). He is also a member of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and NSCA. Outside of academics, Nick enjoys resistance training and spending time with friends and family.
Amber Schmitz, BA
Master’s Student
Educational Background
B.A., Exercise Science
M.S., Exercise Physiology
Contact Information:
Email: amberns@unc.edu
Amber Schmitz is a first-year PhD student in the Human Movement Sciences program. After completing her bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science at The Ohio State University, she obtained her master’s degree in Exercise Physiology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her research interests include neuromuscular function, fatigue, and how they impact occupational safety and health. In her free time, Amber enjoys lifting, being outdoors, and trying new coffee shops.
Jackson Hollingsworth, BA
Master’s Student
Educational Background
B.A., Exercise Science
Contact information:
Email: jackholl@unc.edu
Jackson Hollingsworth is a 2nd year Masters student in the Exercise and Sport Science program. He obtained a BA in Exercise and Sport Science from UNC Chapel Hill in 2023. Jackson’s thesis is looking at the correlations of pQCT derived muscle characteristics with physiological predictors of occupational success and injury risk in firefighters. Jackson rowed all 4 years of his undergraduate degree, and enjoys working out, eating good food, and spending time with his friends.
Research Assistants:
Kayleigh Doyle, BS
Research Assistant
Educational Background
B.S., Science-Business
Contact Information:
Email: kaydoyle@unc.edu
Kayleigh Doyle is a first-year master’s student in Exercise Physiology. She is originally from Wayne, Pennsylvania and completed her undergraduate degree in Science-Business at the University of Notre Dame. Under the guidance of Dr. Eric Ryan, she will conduct research on neuromuscular function in tactical populations. In her free time, Kayleigh enjoys being outdoors, finding new running trails, and crocheting.
Tyler Smith
Research Assistant
Educational Background
A.A., Kinesiology
B.S., Biology
Minor, Chemistry
Contact Information:
Email: tsmith5@unc.edu
Tyler Smith is a research assistant in the MOTION Science Institute. I support the Total Worker Health Approach to Reduce Falls and Advance Fall Protection in Firefighters project among other research studies. He is originally from California and played D1 baseball and JUCO baseball. He received an AA in Kinesiology from Sacramento City College and BS in Biology and Minor in Chemistry from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In addition to being a research assistant, he works as a medical scribe at UNC’s Pain Management Clinic and volunteers with Big Brothers Big Sisters, as well as coaching for Carolina Team Handball Club and Special Olympics. His goal is to attend medical school to make an impact in disabled populations. In his free time, he enjoys lifting, playing handball and piano, reading, cooking and hanging out with friends.
Kiran Gosrani, BA
Research Assistant
Educational Background
B.A., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Contact Information:
Email: kirang1@email.unc.edu
Kiran is a research assistant in the Motion Science Lab who obtained his Bachelor’s in Exercise Science from UNC in 2024 with a minor in Chemistry and Sports Medicine. He is currently in a gap year with plans to apply to medical school, with his main interest currently being Sports Medicine. In his free time, he enjoys lifting, hiking, and finding new music.
Natalei Woltman
Research Assistant
Educational Background
Anticipated B.S., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Contact Information:
Email: natalei@unc.edu
Natalei is a current third-year student at UNC working towards completing Bachelor’s Degrees in Biological Sciences and Women’s and Gender Studies, in addition to a Baccalaureate of Education in Science and Teaching. In her free time, Natalei really enjoys cooking, baking, and spending as much time as possible with her friends and family!
Lab Group Alumni
Brennan Thompson, PhD. Associate Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Health Science, Utah State University. Graduated 2013.
Eric Sobolewski, PhD. Assistant Professor, Department of Health Sciences, Furman University. Graduated 2014.
Gena Gerstner, PhD. Research Assistant Professor, Department of Exercise and Sport Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.. Graduated 2019.
Jacob Mota, PhD. Assistant Professor, Department of Kinesiology, University of Alabama. Graduated 2020.
Hayden Dewig, PhD. Research Scientist, Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute, West Virginia University, Graduated 2022.
Current Grant Funding & Research Projects
Total Worker Health Approach to Reduce Falls and Advance Fall Protection in Firefighters (Ryan – PI), Awarded by NIOSH-U19 (2021 – 2026)
Feasibility of a Train-the-Trainer delivered exercise intervention in firefighters (Ryan – PI), Awarded by NIOSH-R03 (2021 – 2023)
Examining Mechanisms Underlying Performance Fatigability in Women (Schmitz and Ryan Co-PIs), Awarded by Center for Women’s Health Research and the NSCA foundation, 2023 – 2024.
Feasibility of workload monitoring within law enforcement officers and its relationship to injury risk and job performance (Giuliani-Dewig – PI), Awarded by NC Occupational Safety and Health Education Research Center and NSCA Foundation, 2021-2022.
Osteoarthritis Prevalence and Modifiable Risk Factors in Retired Firefighters (Ryan-PI), Awarded by the NC Occupational Safety and Health Education Research Center, 2019-2020.