Dr. Darin Padua was featured in the Raleigh News and Observer on Sunday, September 25th in an article titled, “Cracking the ACL Code: UNC Researchers learning how to prevent ACL Injuries” by Tim Stevens. This is a great article about the research Darin Padua and his research team have been working on in the Sports Medicine Research Laboratory. Dr. Ed Shields, Interim Chair stated, “In our field we have always “preached” that it is very important for our health/well-being “to move”. Darin’s research indicates that, with regard to injury prevention, it is also very important “how” we move.” Padua’s research has determined that prevention is the key for these injuries and they were able to use the preventative PEAK system(Performance Enhancement and Kinectic Control) to encourage more and more coaches and athletes to adapt this type of warm up routine to reduce the amount of injuries and retrain the way the body should move. To read the article in entirety go to: http://www.newsobserver.com/2011/09/25/1515974/cracking-the-acl-code.html
Darin Padua Featured in the Raleigh News & Observer
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